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Running With Plantar Fasciitis: What You Should Do

Running is an excellent way to boost your heart and overall health. However, when you've been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, you might believe that your training has to come to a complete halt. Not necessarily. With the right steps, you can still train while also working towards a full recovery.

Stretch First

If you're suffering from plantar fasciitis, it is imperative that you stretch before you start running. When you don't stretch, your muscles and tendons remain tight. In the case of this condition, a tight calf can put extra pressure on the Achilles tendon, which ultimately effects the plantar fascia. The looser this area is, the less likely you are to re-injure yourself. This step is important not just during recovery, but any time you run to prevent a recurring injury.

Alter Your Training

If you run long distances on a regular basis, it's time to sit down and adjust your training schedule until you are no longer dealing with the condition. As bad as it is to hear, it's a good idea to start all over at the beginning. For example, if you're used to running five miles every day, consider starting at one mile a day. When you can complete one mile without any discomfort, you can then bump up to two. This building method helps minimize further injury and minimized discomfort.

Stay In Therapy

Even if you are feeling okay and your pain has minimized, it's important that you remain in your prescribed therapy program. In some cases, poor running habits aren't the source of the problem, but instead a mechanical issue. For instance, if your lower leg muscles are weak, despite your efforts, you could be dealing with recurring plantar fasciitis. Therapy will identity this problem and help you develop these muscles.

If It Hurts, Rest

Even if you're following the guidelines outlined by your physician, at any point running becomes uncomfortable, it's time to rest for a bit. Plantar fasciitis can affect each person differently. Some people can alter their running habits and run with minimal to no discomfort; however, for others this is not the case. Keep in mind that pain is always the body's way of telling you that something isn't right or that you're doing too much. Scale back even more and rest until you aren't experiencing any pain when running.

With your efforts and care from your provider, you can move past this condition and return to your training habits. For more information, contact a podiatrist, like one at Advanced Foot Clinic.
