Learning More About Podiatrist Care

4 Tips To Help You Select Shoes That Are Great For Your Feet

If you are experiencing chronic foot pain, the source of your discomfort could be your shoes. Here are a few tips to help ensure that you select shoes that are great for the health of your feet:

Avoid High Heels

Although high heel shoes can look quite fashionable, they may not be great for your feet. High heels place the majority of your body weight on the front half of your feet. As a result, the feet may spread more than they usually would, causing your shoes to place pressure on the outsides of your foot.

Pressure that is placed on the big toe joint may result in an unsightly and painful foot condition, such as a bunion. The inflammation of a minor bunion may resolve on its own as you avoid  uncomfortable footwear. However, severe bunions may only be resolved through surgery.

Instead of high heels, look for shoes with low heels that are still flattering. You don't have to sacrifice your feet to maintain your personal style.

Look for great arch support.

Some shoes provide great overall cushioning but do not support the arch of the foot. When you try on your shoes, be sure that your arch is well supported. Great arch support can help ensure that your feet remains stabilized in proper position as you walk. As a result, your feet may be more comfortable throughout your day.

Try your shoes on in the evening.

Over the course of a day, your feet may swell. This swelling can cause your shoes to fit less comfortably. Thus, it is best to try your shoes on when your feet are already in a swollen state. Try to go shoe shopping in the evenings or after work. At this time, your feet will likely be in their largest state.

Make sure your shoes are shock-absorbent.

Shoes that are made of shock-absorbent material can help reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on your feet throughout the day. Hard surfaces, such as cement floors or asphalt sidewalks, can place great pressure on your feet as you walk. Shock-absorbing insoles can help reduce the amount of weight and pressure that your feet incur as you walk throughout the day.

If you run regularly for exercise, shock-absorbency is even more important, since the impact shock felt by your feet is transferred to other areas of your body, such as your knees and lower back.

To learn more ways to care for your feet, schedule a consultation with a podiatrist in your area, such as those at Allied Ankle & Foot Care Centers PC.
